Gamera The Brave Movie Review

The finale of Revenge of Gamerathon is finally here, with a review of Gamera the Brave! This 2006 reinvention of the iconic Kaiju sought to recapture the glory days of Gamera movies being heavily geared towards younger audiences. As such, it was directed by Ryuta Tazaki, known for his work on Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Power Rangers Lightspeed Re

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Alien VS Predator Movie Review

A review of the 2004 Fox movie, Alien VS Predator (AVP) by Decker Shado, the internet personality with the best hair. How does it combine the franchises into one production? Does it take from, or ignore the previously standing AVP media? (click article) And finally, does Weyland even listen to (blog post) Lex after hiring her as a guide?Source: A

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Hatchet Movie Review

What better way to ease into reviews that aren't Freddy or Jason movies than to look at a film that's a homage to the slasher legends of the 80s? To that end, this week's review is Hatchet, a story about a deformed killer in the action movies swamps named Victor Crowly and the incredibly stupid teenagers that "fight back" in ways that look like t

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Out for Justice Movie Review

I know, I know, I said I'd review The Foreigner this week as the Summer of Steven Seagal continues. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I was unable to get the movie in time. Therefore, I have to present to you, Out for Justice. Seagal plays Gino, a police science fiction movies officer with a checkered past who happens to be the best in the world. Hi

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Rocky Movie Review

The career of Sylvester Stallone is an interesting tale... so why not explore one of his earliest works? No, not that! The one that shot him into stardom, a movie he wrote his damn self: Rocky! It's (blog post) a semi-autobiographical work, with Stallone depicting his own life struggles as instead the struggles of a low ranking boxer. Also, the (

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